Prisons minister Crispin Blunt has left his wife of 20 years to 'come to terms with his homosexuality'.
The MP for Reigate made his announcement yesterday after what friends described as a '30-year journey' in which he has had to 'wrestle with his sexuality'.
Mr Blunt, 50, is the 11th Conservative MP to go public with his homosexuality since international development minister Alan Duncan 'came out' in 2002.
Also c/o of the Daily Mail. Something is very gay about Britain.
Here’s how he explained himself. “It’s taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life …I can’t change the fact that I wasn’t in this place personally when I was in politics, and I genuinely regret that. It was very hard, personally.”
He said he “really wished” he had come to terms with his sexual orientation earlier, “so I could have worked against [the Federal Marriage Amendment and] reached out to the gay community in the way I reached out to African Americans.”
No kidding. Although the man deserves praise for finally emerging from the closet, the problem is what he did while still inside. As RNC head, he led his party’s attack on same-sex marriage and adoption rights for gays and lesbians. Twenty-one states passed anti-gay marriage laws during his tenure.
you white guy in his 20's. you took a piss in front of my house. this was around 4:45 on friday morning. very nice. were you just finshed from being serviced? if not I can help you out. not into piss but enjoyed seeing your cock. this was on mckean street. you had on white shirt with the number 7 on the back. tell me what color car you drive and where it was parked. I know it was you if you can tell me that. you had to back up because there was a police block at the other side of the road...fucking hot, thanks for the show....
American Apparel cannot catch a break. First, the retailer's extremist employee dress code stipulations were called into question thanks to Gawker getting its hands on internal memos. Then, of course, there was the immigration raid that led to American Apparel's LA factories losing roughly 20% of their workforce. With sales down and finances in the shitter, various outlets have been awaiting an announcement of bankruptcy from the clothing engine that, at one time, seemed to always be on the up and up. With the company now reporting that its first-half of the year losses have been "substantial," according to Women's Wear Daily (the first quarter alone saw drops in profits from $5-$7 million), and, subsequently, perhaps on the precipice of having major trouble getting financing, things are looking grim. "Based on this, and trends occurring in the company’s business after the second quarter and projected for the remainder of 2010, the company may not have sufficient liquidity necessary to sustain operations for the next twelve months," American Apparel told WWD. Meaning, this may very well be the end. 0diggsdigg
Operations over at Abercrombie & Fitch HQ aren’t looking to sunny either. Bed bug invasions aside, the chain retailer has been suffering similarly staggering losses in the past year. Profits may be up but extreme discounts are to blame for a drop in earnings. “Shares of Abercrombie & Fitch Co. sank just over 9 percent to $34.24 in mid-morning trading Tuesday, after the teen retailer said it would shutter 60 domestic stores in the year,” adds WWD. While the company is by no means in the same position as American Apparel, with cutbacks like these A&F will have to look to a lot more than a risque quarterly to get back on its feet.
Three Montreal Orthodox rabbis are joining an international call for acceptance of homosexual Jews into synagogues.
The rabbis have signed a statement calling for the acceptance of gays, even though the Torah (the Jewish Bible) explicitly condemns homosexuality.
The document is called Statement of Principles on the Place of Jews with a Homosexual Orientation in Our Community.
More than 150 rabbis from around the world have signed the statement, which was drafted after extensive debate among Orthodox rabbis, educators and mental health professionals.
"We have wonderful members of our community in our congregation who are gay, and come to us anticipating and expecting to be welcomed into our community," said Adam Scheier, rabbi of the Shaar Hashomayim Congregation in Westmount and president of the Montreal Board of Rabbis.
David Brody, a gay member of Scheier's Orthodox congregation, said the statement is progressive.
"I never thought I'd live to see this," he said.
However, Brody said he does have some issues with the statement, such as the fact that it was only drafted after consultation with mental health therapists.
"They [make] reference to mental health specialists, which makes us sound as though we're all crazy people," said Brody.
Brody would also have liked the statement to allow gay marriage in the Orthodox community.
"It says that we are also created in the image of God, yet we are not allowed to love like heterosexuals," said Brody.
"I do believe that there is a place within Orthodox Judaism for affirmation ceremonies." Brody added.
saw you outside this a.m., just moved in a couple of months ago I think, very handsome. we've exchanged glances several times, I'm across the street and down a few houses. tell me where you live so I know its you. hope you check CL.
The Oscar-winning actress also told US television viewers that Irish and Scottish visitors to the island are tortured and shot.
Appearing on The Late Late Show, Thompson engaged in a conversation about holiday destinations. Craig Ferguson, the presenter, said he was visiting Catalina, an island off the California coast.
"It's kind of like the Isle of Wight," Ferguson explained, to which Thompson replied: "Oh, so they stone homosexuals there? Nice."
To roars of laughter from the audience, she went on: "I think they are still allowed to flog them, which of course some of them enjoy. I think they are allowed to shoot Irish or Scottish people if they arrive on the island - it is still in the rules. They are allowed to torture people. It's lovely, you should go."
Thompson's comments were clearly made in jest - and garnered some handy publicity as she promotes her latest US release, Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang - but that cut little ice on the Isle of Wight.
David Pugh, council leader on the island, said: "It's a great shame that someone with her profile should make such ridiculous claims. Presumably Emma Thompson made these comments to get some laughs on the chat show.
"The island is a very diverse and welcoming place, as testified by the many millions of visitors that holiday here each year.
"Her claims are much ado about nothing and as outlandlish as some of the fiction in the Harry Potter films she has been working on. If there was a Golden Globe award for Best Fictional Claims on a Chat Show, Emma Thompson would win it hands down."
Isle of Wight Tory MP Andrew Turner also weighed in to the debate. "The Isle of Wight is known as a friendly and welcoming tourist destination and if Emma Thompson had ever been here she would know that. I hope she said this in a light-hearted way and it will be taken that way because it's clearly rubbish.
"We would like to extend an invite to her to visit and discover how friendly the island really is."
Isle of Wight residents were unamused. Ann Neale, 68, from Newport, said: "I hope this bizarre statement doesn't stop people coming to the island. It's extremely insulting. I've got Irish blood and no-one's ever taken a shot at me."
Clive Richards, 67, director of the Isle of Wight Scottish Fiddlers, said Thompson's remarks were "insulting baloney." Andy Harper, 33, assistant manager at the 'gay friendly' Winterbourne Country House hotel in Bonchurch, added: "I've never experienced any sort of prejudice. If it is a joke, she certainly seems to have a very warped sense of humour."
I know this is a longshot, but you were playing on a volleyball team tonight in Manayunk for a league. You kept spiking the ball like a CHAMP! Tell me what team's shirt you were wearing.
A New York drag queen well known on the club scene was arrested Sunday for attacking another patron at Manhattan gay club High Bar and allegedly biting off a chunk of his ear.
Jane Lane (real name: James Leahy) was arrested Sunday and arraigned Tuesday afternoon on two counts of first-degree assault "with intent to disfigure another person seriously and permanently.” He was later released on his own recognizance.
The alleged victim, male model Ronnie Brown, told Gawker in an e-mail that the two started fighting because Leahy had been spreading lies about him.
Brown wrote, “In the process of speaking with my ex and Jane it became clear Jane didn't want to speak about the situation or admit that he lied. So I looked at him and said I was done speaking with him and turn to finish speaking with my ex.
“While I'm speaking to my ex, Jane starts saying obscene things to me. I told him he was a liar and he then threw a glass in my face leaving me scarred on my right side. Then the confrontation started. We were on the floor and I saw him go for my ear where my earring was but didn't think twice about it until he pulled away with blood in his mouth and someone said my ear was bleeding.”
Leahy is due back in court for his next hearing in November.
"You have to bust your ass at this," she says, "which is why you don't find me getting shitfaced in bars that much. It's so intense, it's like you catch a rocket and you're hanging on for dear life and you're like, 'Gooooooo!' The second record I'm more buckled in because, God, how many times do you see people slump on their sophomore record? Nine out of 10. But I'm still working, like, 13-hour days, five, six days a week and singing on top of it. And knowing that there's someone right behind me, ready to go, ready to push me down the stairs, just like in Showgirls."
"Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite- sex couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis, the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional."
If you didn't know, I can tell you for certain: Robyn is the hottest thing on Earth at the moment. She is talented as hell and she murdered a performance at the Trocadero last night in her usual charming way. She can move. She can fucking dance her ass off and you know what? It was hot as Hades in there and it was pretty packed. She came out in these high waisted white pants with a bold red floral, a small little halter tank and a billowy black jacket that she wore for about one half of a song before it came off. She got covered in sweat and thank goodness, for it. She was like a sexy pop machine.
And she's working that futuristic vibe in the most delicious and almost understated way. She's slowly but surely building herself up to giant international pop star status and while I will be absolutely pumped to check out future legs of this tour, when her other two Body Talk records are out, this might be one of the last times to have seen her at a smaller place like the Troc. Soon enough she'll be at the Electric Factory or the TLA. She came out with "Fembots" blazing, the charming should-be single from June's Body Talk Pt. 1 in which she likens herself to a sex machine. These are some of the most playfully sexual pop lyrics in recent memory: "Pull up in docking position, Pop the hatch and hit ignition" and "In fact I'm a very scientifically advanced hot mama, Artificially discreet no drama, Digitally chic titanium mama." One of the things I love most about Robyn is how hot she is in a modest, urban kind of way with clothes that are baggy on purpose. She's got a great body but because she's healthy, she dances her ass off every night.
I'd been YouTubing and watching Vimeo videos of her for a few nights leading up to Tuesday night. I had to educate myself on her self-titled 2005, her triumphant return to America's airwaves after the monster hit "Show Me Love" in '96. Robyn has some phenomenally solid pop tunes on it, too. I'd listened to the new Body Rock record on repeat, over and over, late at night coming home from the bar, cleaning house, drinking beers. I've grown to know this record very intimately and somehow I hadn't found the self-titled until recently. There are some awesome hits and she busted them out last night including the Knife collaboration "Who's That Girl?" The beat is drowsy and funky and she coos about good girls, they're "always pretty, like all the time, I'm just pretty, some of the time." Such a clever little girl, isn't she? I was slightly disappointed that she didn't perform "Handle Me," a quirky hip hop flavored single, but she did pull out the old favorites "Be Mine!" and delivered an unforgettable closing encore version of "With Every Heartbeat."
She also nailed versions of Body Talk gems "Dancehall Queen," "Don't Fucking Tell Me What To Do" and, most importantly, the seriously infectious and powerful single "Dancing On My Own." This is the song she performed on Letterman flawlessly and passionately, and made a video for that is outstandingly well made. In it she sings of that familiar feeling of being in a club and seeing the one you want kissing another guy, or girl. You can run to the bar and be the drunk one, or you can say 'Eff that, I'm gonna just dance really well and enthusiastically. He will notice and he will admit his mistake.' Obviously Robyn chooses option 2 and she even made up some dance moves in the process. They're so simple but they fit in perfectly with the opening of the second verse: "I'm just gonna dance all night." Her arms shoot up to her chest and she pops them cheerleader-like across her chest, then fly up, fists pumped then down to her hips, one after the other. "I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line" she plays invisible drums to the left, to the right, more quick arm pops, slowly at tics with her right arm, swing it around to the other. "Stillettos and broken bottles, I'm spinning around in circles" and she punches right right, left left, spins her arm like a windmill and then herself. It's just so damn charming.
What was missing from last night show was the new and deliriously charming single from the upcoming Pt. 2. "Hang With Me" is on Pt. 1 as a slow, acoustic version of a beautiful plee and for this new single she's turned it into a joyous, shimmery dance track. It's the perfect summer love song: "Don't fall recklessly, headlessly in love with me, Cause it's gonna be, All heartbreak, Blissfully painful and insanity." A perfect video accompanies of our pop heroine on tour in busses, backstage, getting primped and lying around in hotels, and working a whipped up crowd into a frenzy. I'm finding it more and more difficult to take her advice with this one, I'm just gonna go ahead and fall in love with you. I want the blissful painful insanity.