June 30, 2011
Brilliant Prop. 8 Repeal PSA With Justin Long Is Fantastic
Like this one? Go HERE for another 49 (even though there's a bunch of mysogynistic lesbo ads in the mix).
You Go, Gurl!: A Chinese Boy Nails His Cheer Kicks And Spins
Some text from Gawker: "Here's a video of an unidentified male cheerleader performing a dance routine at China's Shandong University. There are several female cheerleaders in the video, too, but you won't notice them."
June 29, 2011
June 28, 2011
June 24, 2011
June 22, 2011
June 21, 2011
June 20, 2011
NY Giant Ass Trying Real Hard To Stop Gays From Marrying

Former NY Giant David Tyree tells the New York Daily News that he would trade his famous catch and his Super Bowl XLII win to stop gays from being allowed to marry:
"The catch was a gift, it's not like I'd try to do it. I couldn't do it again so that was a miracle," he said. "There's nothing worth more than [maintaining heterosexual marriage] right here for me."
Asked if he'd give up the Super Bowl to stop gay marriage, Tyree said: "Honestly, I probably would."
"Nothing means more to me than that my God would be honored," he said. "Being the fact that I firmly believe that God created and ordained marriage between a man and a woman, I believe that that's something that should be fought for at all costs."
"So I'll lay down everything I am to preserve the honor and integrity of the God that I serve."
Thanks, Towleroad.
June 19, 2011
A Fascinating Story About Queer Theory, Religion, And Identity

Once upon a time, Michael Glantze was a gay-rights and queer activist in San Francisco. He was a big part of XY magazine, and a fierce believer that religion and spirituality was telling young gay kids that they weren't worth shit. Well, things have changed. Over a dozen years later and he's in bible school in Wyoming and writing conservative, Christian bullshit on WorldNetDaily. He believes that gays are totally misled and that we live in a cave. And you don't know how dark it is in a cave until you get out of it. Right. Well, READ THE WHOLE STORY and see for yourself. Here's a poem the Dartmouth grad once wrote (that I actually love) and a photo of him as a young twink:
I Solemnly Swear,
Never to tell the Scoutmaster.
Never to tell the others. Never to let such
Knowledge leave this tent, Never to acknowledge you
Again, Never to tighten your handkerchief again, Never to
Look in your eyes again, Never to race soapbox derby in
The sand with you again, Never to read Whitman as you
Cuddle till you sleep, Never to creep, carefully to the lake
With you again, Never to take wildflowers
To your tent again, Never to cry for you again, Never to tie
Knots in each other’s hair,
Never to breathe your air,
Never to touch your inner thigh,
Never to catch your stare.
Never to be two boys together, clinging.
Never to dare.

June 17, 2011
June 16, 2011
June 15, 2011
James Franco Loves Exploring The Messiness Underneath It All

Would embed the video if I could, but go HERE to watch the Imagine Fashion film made by Adam Dugas and Casey Spooner.
June 14, 2011
One Time Justin And Britney Wore Matching Denim Outfits

She looks so GOOD. Seriously.
P.S. Justin told Playboy he smokes herb: "On smoking pot: “Absolutely [I’m a pot smoker]…The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking. Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high.”
Brian Moylan Serves Simon Doonan's Future Book Project

But here's a little excerpt:
"There is only one thing that keeps gay men in shape: fear. Yes, every gay—at least those of the stereotypical abdominal-obsessed physique that populates Fire Island and Palm Springs—is brought about because gay men are afraid that they will be alone for the rest of their lives. If a gay man is not "serving body" while competing to find a trick or boyfriend in one of the more muscle-bound climates of gay culture, he will be sorely shut out. That is why gay men don't get fat, because if they don't have pecs, guns, and glutes, they're going home alone...
The funny thing about the gay competition is that, because men (especially of the gay variety) are so visually stimulated, the only piece on the chess board that matters is having that traditional lean body. If straight men are lacking in some area, they usually make up for it by becoming rich or powerful, things that some women (see: Real Housewives of Orange County) find just as attractive as a washboard stomach dusted with natural body hair. But for gay men, only body will do. If a gay guy is a little short, his solution is to go to the gym. Got a shitty job? Go to the gym. Busted in the face? No biggie! Head to the gym and no one will look above your neck. Totally shy and doesn't socialize well? Gym, baby, gym! A good body is the only currency in this game."
June 13, 2011
June 9, 2011
June 6, 2011
Anthony Weiner, Liberal New York Politician, Caught Shirtless
A Dopey Anti-Marriage Group Spent $7k On This Business

"The Florida Family Association, which is supposedly "made up of THOUSANDS OF SUPPORTERS across America who share in the same goal of improving America's moral environment," reportedly spent $7,000 on the airplanes, which flew 10-hour shifts to deliver the messages "WARNING GAY DAY AT DISNEY 6/4" and "WARNING GAY PRIDE DAY AT DISNEY 2DAY.""
June 5, 2011
June 1, 2011
Two Gay Dudes In PDX Got Beat Up And 4k People Protested

"More than 4,000 people packed Portland, Ore.’s Hawthorne Bridge Sunday night to protest anti-LGBT violence and support two gay men who were attacked there a week earlier.
The crowd included “people of all ages and identities,” reported Portland gay newspaper Just Out. They braved steady rain and held hands while crossing the bridge, which spans the Willamette River.
Brad Forkner, 23, and Christopher Rosevear, 25, had been holding hands while walking across the bridge the preceding Sunday evening. Three men who had apparently followed them attacked them from behind and began beating them. They ran away when they saw that Forkner had taken out his cell phone and was calling police. Forkner and Rosevear sustained minor injuries, and police are still seeking suspects. Particularly disturbing, the two men said, was that while there were several witnesses to the assault, no one came to their aid."

Here's more to it, thanks to the Advocate.
The San Francisco Giants Release An 'It Gets Better' Video
That happened. And then this sweet-as-can-be 12 year-old is trying to get the Red Sox to make one, too. Look at what he wrote:
"Every day, gay and lesbian teens in Middle School and High School are made fun of and bullied. It's sad that some of them are bullied so badly, they decide to commit suicide. Recently, a petition much like this one was created to ask the San Francisco Giants to make an "It Gets Better" video. The Giants announced that they will make a video against bullying. We can do the same.
My name is Sam, I am 12 years old and my two friends and I really like the Boston Red Sox. If we can get a lot of signatures from our peers and teachers, we can possibly have the Red Sox make a video too!"

Bless your little ally heart.
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