Photo Caption: "Kenny Clark, 17, struggles to complete the last of many pull-ups as Marine Corps recruiter Staff Sgt. George Garcia looks on at the San Gabriel Valley Pride festival at Pasadena City College. (Robert Gauthier, Los Angeles Times)"
AMAZING (And George Garcia looks tasty):
"Marine Corps recruiters at the San Gabriel Valley Pride event at Pasadena City College on Saturday didn't care whether the young men who lined up to test their strength were gay or straight.
The Marines just wanted to see some pull-ups done properly: Place hands about shoulder width apart, palms facing away; pull upward until chin is over the bar and then slowly return to the hanging position. Repeat until the feet feel like concrete blocks and the biceps like rubber bands about to snap.
Addison Arce, 23, a slight, sinewy man who ran cross-country at Burbank High School, impressed them with 13 brisk pull-ups. "I've always been fond of the military and what they do," said Arce, who described himself as bisexual. "I've thought about joining. Whether it would be the Marines, the Navy or Coast Guard, I'm not sure." These Marines, he added, "they really know how to put on a show.""
LA Times. Text by Martha Groves.