January 31, 2012
I Saw This Running On The Treadmill At The Gym Yesterday

Look at that toolish Christian in the fedora. It EXISTS. I thought it might've been a joke.
"Find God's Match for You" feels funny, for whatever reason. God's match for me will probably be found on OK Cupid.
January 30, 2012
January 28, 2012
DAMN! Rihanna Rocked A See-Through Tank The Other Night

She wore it "out on the town," says Hollywood Tuna. I think she looks pretty stunning with those red lips.
January 26, 2012
January 25, 2012
January 23, 2012
January 21, 2012
This Is Momentous: 70 Mayors Sign Marriage Equality Petition

Michael Bloomberg - New York, NY (Chair)
Thomas Menino - Boston, MA (Chair)
Annise Parker - Houston, Texas (Chair)
Jerry Sanders - San Diego, CA (Chair)
Antonio Villaraigosa - Los Angeles, CA (Chair)
Samuel Adams - Portland, OR
Tom Bates - Berkeley, CA
William Bell - Durham, NC
David Berger - Lima, OH
Richard Bloom - Santa Monica, CA
Cory Booker - Newark, NJ
Bruce Botelho - Juneau, AK
Ardell Brede - Rochester, MN
Christopher Cabaldon - W. Sacramento, CA
John Callahan - Bethlehem, PA
Stephen Cassidy - San Leandro, CA
Craig Cates - Key West, FL
Mark Chilton - Carrboro, NC
Joshua Cohen - Annapolis, MD
Chris Coleman - St. Paul, MN
Dennis Coombs - Longmont, CO
Joy Cooper - Hallandale Beach, FL
Frank Cownie - Des Moines, IA
John Duran - West Hollywood, CA
Paul Dyster - Niagara Falls, NY
Rahm Emanuel - Chicago, IL
Bill Finch - Bridgeport, CT
Peter Fosselman - Kensington, MD
Bob Foster - Long Beach, CA
Laura Friedman - Glendale, CA
Ava Frisinger - Issaquah, WA
Marie Gilmore - Alameda, CA
Mike Gin, Redondo Beach, CA
Vincent Gray - Washington, D.C.
George Heartwell - Grand Rapids, MI
John Hieftje - Ann Arbor, MI
Bobby Hopewell - Kalamazoo, MI
Sylvester James, Jr. - Kansas City, MO
Edward Kelly - Cleveland Heights, OH
Mark Kleinschmidt - Chapel Hill, NC
Mark Kruzan - Bloomington, IN
Don Lane - Santa Cruz, CA
Timothy Leavitt - Vancouver, WA
Edwin Lee - San Francisco, CA
Lee Leffingwell - Austin, TX
Craig Lowe - Gainesville, FL
David Lublin - Town of Chevy Chase, MD
Karen Majewski - Hamtramck, MI
Jan Marx - San Luis Obispo, CA
Mike McGinn - Seattle, WA
Alex Morse - Holyoke, MA
Lori Moseley - Miramar, FL
Jeri Muoio - West Palm Beach, FL
David Narkewicz - Northampton, MA
Don Ness - Duluth, MN
Michael Nutter - Philadelphia, PA
Frank Ortis - Pembroke Pines, FL
Kitty Piercy - Eugene, OR
Steve Pougnet - Palm Springs, CA
Jean Quan - Oakland, CA
Thomas Richards - Rochester, NY
Clarissa Rowe - Arlington, MA
Matthew Ryan - Binghampton, NY
RT Rybak - Minneapolis, MN
Robert Sabonjian - Waukegan, IL
Helene Schneider - Santa Barbara, CA
Ann Schwab - Chico, CA
Pedro Segarra - Hartford, CT
Eric Senter - Franklinton, NC
Jeffrey Slavin - Town of Somerset, MD
Paul Soglin - Madison, WI
Marilyn Strickland - Tacoma, WA
Angel Taveras - Providence, RI
Nick Tell - Manhattan Beach, CA
Elizabeth Tisdahl - Evanston, IL
Setti Warren - Newton, MA
Bruce Williams - Takoma Park, MD
Dana Williams - Park City Park, UT
January 20, 2012
Look At This Queen: Andre Leon Talley Just On A Tuesday

The caption?: "Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf pussy? Andre Leon Talley was sugar, spice and everything nice at private viewing in New York City on Tuesday." Weird. Private viewing? Of what?
C/O C&D.
Newt Once Asked His Mistress To Be In An Open Relationship

From Towleroad:
"Newt Gingrich received a standing ovation in the first moments of last night's debate after getting a question from moderator John King about allegations from his ex-wife Marianne that he wanted an "open marriage."
Said Gingrich:
"I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country harder to attract decent people to run for office. I’m appalled you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that...Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary, a significant question in a presidential campaign, is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.”
I actually sympathize with what he's saying but I also don't. He's been involved with some shady shit and he's trying to be our president. Four wives? I think that's a little weird. AND he's desperately trying to "protect marriage."
January 19, 2012
PLUG: Not Sure If You Knew, But, I'm A Music Blogger, Too

More traffic, more traffic! Here's a link to my newest Gossip Roundup. And click on the Make Major Moves icon at the top for (much) more. THANKS, Y'ALL (I've got Paula Deen on the brain).
See, Why Does Facebook Want Me To Add Muscle Queens?

I'm always amazed at how Facebook's "People You May Know" section functions. Lately, it seems I keep getting porn stars and Muscle Marys in the right corner who I can add or "Subscribe To." I'm not sure I like this subscription service they're offering. And, honestly, most trainers and porn stars aren't the most fascinating Facebook personas. But this one is just plain funny. If I'm not incorrect, attached to these handsome hunks, at the bottom, is an ad for Mittens?! That a kid I went to college with LIKES! Oh, the humanity.
January 18, 2012
January 17, 2012
The Gay Rights Movement: This'll Knock Your Socks Off
If you would like to contribute towards the documentary Second Class Citizens, check out Ryan James Yezak's Kickstarter page.
Tim Gunn On The View Gets Constantly Rudely Interrupted
Maybe they felt like they needed to pack in as much as they could in a six-minute bit, but they barely talked about clothes and he could never finish a sentence. Missed opportunity.
January 16, 2012
A Gay Republican's Views Get Ripped Up In The Comments
Then, six days later, he posts this PIECE OF SHIT.
Okay, some personal commentary:
What's with the 'grow up and put some clothes on' mantra? Are you mature because you don't take your clothes off in public and wear a plaid robe around your own home? I will never understand the argument about how gay pride parades are somehow detrimental to the cause (or to our image). And, frankly, pride parades are not all about skin, they're more about partying and THAT's where I get a little sad; it's a day of pride and respect for how far we've come - not a rave, and not an excuse to hammered. It also just seems extraordinarily childish to do the whole 'You say WE are bigots, no YOU are the bigots' thing. I actually applaud the point he makes about accepting people's views as views and not as declarations of what should and shouldn't be. But hey, lord knows there are assholes across the entire political spectrum.
Madonna Won A Golden Globe For Best Song (Elton's PISSED)
First Elton told a reporter: "Madonna hasn't got a fucking chance." Then his boyfriend Facebooked this pearl: "Madonna. Best song???? Fuck off!!! Madonna winning Best Original Song truly shows how these awards have nothing to do with merit. Her acceptance speech was embarrassing in it's narcissism. And her critisism of Gaga shows how desperate she really is."
January 13, 2012
Honey, I Think This Was A Bad Idea: I'm stepping it up - m4m

"LOVE YOU EVEN MORE,even when your not Loving your self the right way I always have thought how my actions would effect you always .
Because you matter the most.
I wish you
Could tell me how to get at your side in the physical world I come in a heart beat
I think that I really don't want to know anything of your absents,and who you where with and what they said . That your past and it can't be changed ,and t takes nothing away from me so I don't want to know it called moving forward with you and something I don't want to know :)
That's called leaving a misunderstanding of your actions in the pad and no longer an issue for me .
My only issue seeing you float again, happy and now that you are truly loved no matter what ,because I accept you flaws and
P.S it is what it is and we need each other but please believe I come at you with no
Negativity ,and it another trying to make me look cold and unstable and mean so you would stay with them."
You can't make THIS STUFF up.
We Like Steam Rooms But We Also Like Faux-Cheese Chips
Thanks to my handsome dog-walking friend, Michael, for this tip. And, if you're interested, there's a whole long series of Steam Room Stories on YouTube.
January 12, 2012
January 11, 2012
Remember Chris Crocker? He's Hot And Not Crying Anymore

Big ups to my boy Noah Michelson for a great interview with Crocker on the Huff Post's Gay Voices:
"In 2007 three little words -- "Leave Britney Alone!" -- arguably changed the course of popular culture.
The words were spoken by Chris Crocker, a then 19-year-old from Tennessee with an already burgeoning Internet career who regularly posted videos to YouTube and MySpace.
But it wasn't until he made and uploaded his now infamous clip defending Britney Spears after her disastrous 2007 MTV Video Music Awards performance that the world became familiar -- and enraptured -- by the video star.
In just two days "Leave Britney Alone!" racked up over four million views -- a virtually unheard of feat in the earlier days of YouTube -- and soon Crocker became known -- and parodied -- around the world. References to the video have since appeared everywhere from "Glee" to "South Park" and the clip was named Wired magazine's number one video of 2007."
You Little Shit: Christian Girl Scout Taylor Calls For A Boycott

“The real question is, why is GSUSA willing to break their own safety rules and go against its own research institute findings to accommodate transgender boys? Unfortunately, I think it is because GSUSA cares more about promoting the desires of a small handful of people than it does for my safety and the safety of my friends and sister Girl Scouts, and they are doing it with money we earned for them from Girl Scout cookies.”
Via Towleroad but it's all over the internet. If you dare:
January 9, 2012
January 6, 2012
OMG: Brian Moylan Tells All Of Our Deepest, Darkest Secrets
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Worth Posting The Entirety Of This Text: Totally Heartwarming

"Yesterday I had a pair of brothers in my store. One was maybe between 15-17. He was a wrestler at the local high school. Kind of tall, stocky and handsome. He had a younger brother, who was maybe about 10-12 years old. Thy were talking about finding a game for the younger one, and he was absolutely insisting it be one with a female charcter. I don’t know how many of y’all play games, but that isn’t exactly easy. Eventually, I helped the brothers pick a game called Mirror’s Edge. The youngest was pretty excited about the game, and then he specifically asked me.. “Do you have any girl color controllers?”
I directed him to the only colored controllers we have which includes pink and purple ones. He grabbed the purple one, and informed me purple was his FAVORITE.
The boys had been taking awhile, so their father eventually comes in. He see’s the game, and the controller, and starts in on the youngest about how he needs to pick something different. Something more manly. Something with guns and fighting, and certainly not a purple controller. He tries to convince him to get the new Zombie game “Dead Island.” and the little boy just stands their repeating “Dad, this is what I want, ok?” Eventually it turns into a full blown argument complete with Dad threatening to whoop his son if he doesn’t choose different items.
That’s when big brother stepped in. He said to his Dad “It’s my money, it’s my gift to him, if it’s what he wants I’m getting it for him, and if your gonna hit anyone for it, it’s going to be me.”
Dad just gives his oldest son a strong stern stare down, and then leaves the store. Little brother is crying quietly, I walk over and ruffle his hair (yes this happened all in front of me.) I say “I’m a girl, and I like the color blue, and I like shooting games. There’s nothing wrong with what you like. Even if it’s different that what people think you should.”
Big brother then leans down, kisses little brother on the head, and says “Don’t worry dude.”
They check out and leave, and all I can think is how awesome big brother is, how sweet little brother is, and how Dad ought to be ashamed for trying to make his son any other way."
January 5, 2012
Ryan's A Saucy Lil' Thing: 5 Things You Shouldn't Say To Gays

Number 2 is "Ugh, Can't You Just Be Straight?"
Here's an excerpt from Ryan O'Connell's Thought Catalog moment:
"My first instinct is to say “Thanks” but I don’t even feel like it’s a compliment. It reflects poorly on the girl by making her look like some sad desperado living out her Will & Grace fantasy, which is something I won’t indulge her in. I’m not going to spend Saturday night with you eating ice cream and talking about how much boys suck. We’re better than that."
Tom Ford, Apparently, Enjoys Talking About Himself (A Lot)
I, Me, Tom Ford. I from Steamy Window Productions on Vimeo.
Thanks, Gawker. My boy Brian Moylan eloquently shared his disbelief that ANYone actually watches OWN (the Oprah network):
"Seriously, who is watching OWN other than Gayle, Maya Angelou, and that weird secretary who works in your office and is obsessed with Fergie—the British one, not the Black Eyed Pea."
January 4, 2012
Romney Wins Iowa, Santorum Stays Alive, Eyes & Perry Done

Mitt Romney supposedly beat Rick Santorum by eight votes, with Ron Paul in a near third finish. Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry finished so poorly it's believed they will both fall out of the race in the next few days. Perry's backers have said he'll keep going but Bachmann cancelled the rest of her South Carolina trip and announced a press conference this morning.
This'll Get Your Heart Racing: Kylie's Dancers Pose For DNA

There's a LOT more NSFW content where THAT CAME FROM. A bunch of photos and a video that I don't feel comfortable putting on this blog. And you know that means somethin'!
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