These comments ensued on the YouTube page:
4lyfesports: so not only does [head coach] jay triano have to deal with barnani and calderon but these fags has well?!?!?!?! its a miracle they even won 21 games!!! give him coach of the year!
ir0ckfartz: Wow, you guys are talking over the YouTube comments sections? How romantic…ha, faggs.
Creamybrown07: Little Ozzy is a hugeee fucking panzy who gets it up his ass by not only Barbosa and Reggie, but by the rest of the team, including Triano, the golden boy Colangelo, Even Gheradini! The Raptors Mascot actually ended up jizzing on Little Ozzys face, while Ozzy took it like the gay fuck he is. … Disgusting
MrDarkStalker15: I think Reggie Evans is GAY. He likes tossing the salad. Remember him grabbing Chris Kaman’s balls? I think Leandro Barbosa knows that Evans likes men holding his hand so he’s messing with him….
Sportsgrid wrote this: "None of this is surprising, of course. Anonymous internet commenting turns weak people into weak idiots. But the fact that literally every comment on the video’s YouTube page is either homophobic, or people reprimanding said homophobia, is a nice little example of how touchy a subject homosexuality is in sports."
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